
Archive for February, 2011

Negotiating for much better bargains a talent learned from the recession

February 23, 2011 Leave a comment

Learning how to negotiate for much better bargains has become a necessity for Americans coming out of the recession. Dickering on price is ingrained in many cultures, however Americans typically bargain only on vehicles and houses.

Negotiating medical expenses

Doctors and hospitals work negotiating medical bills all the time. As people lose their health insurance and are forced into lesser coverage, negotiating with patients is becoming more common. A lot of times, procedures have different rates based on who pays for it. Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance businesses will be charged differently. Doctors and hospitals would much rather work with a patient than deal with a bill collector. The doctor is who you should go to, to negotiate a better deal. Offer to pay quick cash up front. Make a counteroffer to any quote given by the hospital. It’s not hard to discover the going rate for healthcare procedures in different regions of the country online.

Car maintenance costing you less money

Consumers bargain with car dealerships often. It’s common practice. Why cannot car mechanics be the very same way? When viewing car repair estimates, ask questions. Find out if original equipment can replace aftermarket parts. You do not have to do what the mechanic claims. Car mechanics carte blanche does not have to be followed. You can completely get rid of some items in the estimate. Asking question like “do I need a tune up” can be bad. This is because it makes you sound uncertain. If the car repairs are not an emergency, shop around for the best bargain. An auto repair estimate database can always be found on the Internet. Always know exactly what kind of work will be done on your auto before dropping it off.

Using negotiation for home repairs

Home repair contractors are notorious for including costly change orders that grossly inflate the original estimate. Get the home repair contract signed before you pay anything. Make sure bids and references are all checked. A spending budget for any unpredicted difficulties ought to be checked out. Make payments depending on the degree of progress in the project. That is how the contract ought to be written. Until all work is made, 15 percent of the total repair contract should not be paid as a final payment.

Articles cited

New York Times

Suite 101

Curveball claims he told the CIA weapons of mass destruction lies to get rid of Saddam

February 22, 2011 Leave a comment

"Curveball," the CIA informant who helped the Bush administration rationalize starting the Iraq war, has admitted he was lying. A defector from Iraq named Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who became anonymously famous as Curveball, was the source of information about bioweapons research carried out in secret by the Iraqi state. Curveball now states he lied about weapons of mass destruction so that Bush would invade Iraq and get rid of Hussein. This is a story a payday loan couldn’t have purchased to make up. Article resource – CIA informer Curveball admits he lied to help Bush start Iraq war by MoneyBlogNewz.

Lie from Curveball something Bush and Powell continue

For a long time, nobody has believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as Curveball said. It has been something Curveball would always say is truth. He would say he never lied. But on February 16 he told The Guardian newspaper he made it all up. After escaping Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and fleeing to Germany, al-Janabi began telling German intelligence agents that Iraq had hidden mobile bioweapons labs throughout the country. Curveball’s claims were presented as the truth in a speech by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations and Bush’s 2003 State of the Union address. The U.S. invaded Iraq in March 2003, and Bush was eventually forced to admit that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.

Story from Curveball worries CIA

From the moment al-Janabi showed up, German intelligence agents doubted him. Tyler Drumheller, former head of the CIA in Europe, suspected that al-Janabi’s false testimony about Iraqi bioweapons had to do with his asylum application. Drumheller never believed his inconsistent story and warned CIA Chief George Tenet that Curveball was unreliable. After al-Janabi fesses up, Drumheller told The Guardian that if Curveball lied to oust Hussein, then he is "one of the world’s greatest strategic planners.". No matter what the truth was, the Bush administration only had Curveball’s tale as evidence to use to go to war which is why it was used, Drumheller said.

Several angry for Curveball’s honesty

Even though about 4,500 United States military members and over 100,000 civilians in Iraq have passed away due to the Iraq war, Curveball said he was glad to have helped the Bush administration go to war. But in his adopted home of Germany, a German politician said al-Janabi violated a warmongering law that makes actions that lead to war a criminal offense. German intelligence paid al-Janabi for five years after it was known that he had lied; $4,000 a month. Germans want to know why that is. In Iraq, politicians scorned his stated desire to return and called for his permanent exile.


The Guardian

New York Times

Los Angeles Times

Small fire at the Smithsonian Institution does hardly any harm

February 9, 2011 Leave a comment

Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Feb. 7 was a tough day at the Smithsonian Institution. A small fire started in the air conditioning system. The fire was very quickly extinguished by Washington D.C. firefighters. The Smithsonian Institution fire may be the fault of billions of dollars of deferred maintenance tasks. They are lucky the damage was not severe because this could have possibly cost a lot more than a personal loan for the city if damages were worse.

A little fire at the Smithsonian to put out

The National Museum of Natural History got a call from the Washington D.C. fire department. Insulation caught on fire after a spark came off of air conditioning equipment. There was not very much damage to the Natural History museum as firefighters got the fire out quickly. There was a disruption in the traffic close to the Natural History Museum. This was because in D.C., a huge plume of black smoke was seen.

The Smithsonian Institution maintenance

Most of the Smithsonian Institution is paid for by the United States government. It’s where funding comes from. In order to stop the costs from getting too high, the 2010 Deficit Commission recommended that admission fees be added. Thus far, the admission fees have not come to fruition. Instead, the Smithsonian Institution has billions of dollars of deferred maintenance tasks that are just not getting done. The maintenance that hasn’t been done might be the reason why the air conditioning vent sparked a fire into the Smithsonian Institution.

Previous fire at Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian Institution has had fires before the small fire. There have been many small fires over the years at the various museums. On Jan. 24, 1865 the Smithsonian Institute (just one building at the time) had a major fire that damaged the picture gallery, lecture room, philosophical laboratory, and first story of the building. During both fires — 1865 and 2011 — the institute was closed and no injuries were reported.


Son of the South

Yahoo News

Speed cameras in Baltimore being increased

February 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Speed Camera contrasted

The Baltimore city council is considering yet another addition to the city. More speed camcorders to lower speeding. These cameras do have an impact, however they don’t reduce the number of accidents. The city doesn’t make money on these deals. Instead, the city is practically paying out to see these speed cameras. Article resource – Baltimore doubling down on speed cameras by MoneyBlogNewz.

Speed cameras in Baltimore

In Baltimore, Md., the city council set up several speed traps in "high risk" areas such as school zones. The tickets issued by these speeding cameras are usually about $40 and are officially issued by the city of Baltimore. The police have found that these cameras are reducing the amount of speeding by half or more, however the amount of collisions has not been going down.

Baltimore’s speed cameras

It has been many months of the speed cameras in Baltimore issuing tickets. The City of Baltimore, however, is not seeing much of the money from the tickets. Having the speed cameras is more like payday loans for the city. Sure, the city gets money, but it also has to pay out the majority of the money received. Of every $40 ticket, $32 goes to the company that tracks, monitors and operates the camcorders. This can be a private company that does it. Money has been lost by the city so far in the deal as the installation of cameras has to be paid for. Despite the fact the cameras lose money, the city is considering taking a short-term loan to install even more camcorders.

Police exchanged for private contractors

The work is being given to private businesses in more cities than just Baltimore. Legally, these traffic enforcement cameras are facing difficult times. A defendant’s right to face their accuser has been cited multiple times by drivers who have been ticketed by a camera or automated system, and many tickets have been overturned. Because private companies are doing law enforcement work for the city, they are making millions since many people don’t’ pay traffic tickets.

Articles cited

ABC 2 News


Groundhog day’s background as Candlemas

February 3, 2011 Leave a comment

Groundhog Day

Feb. 2 is a day for celebration around the globe, for a wide variety of reasons. In some traditions, it’s Candlemas or Imbolic – the midway point between winter solstice and vernal equinox. For others, Punxsutawney Phil’s 2011 visual appearance has marked an early spring on its way. It is getting close to the time to take out a payday cash advance and plan your spring vacation.

Just how Candlemas started out

In the "wheel of the year," the division of the year in accordance with the seasons, Feb. 2 is a "cross-quarter" day; it is halfway between equinox and solstice. In order to grow grain, this day was to prepare soil in agrarian society. The dark part of the day was when plowing was done often meaning candles were needed. ”Candle mass” was used to symbolize renewal, purification and the new year dawning.

World Candlemas

”Imbolic” is what Candlemas is known as in several European countries. Since sheep gave milk again once winter was over, “Ol-melc” was used meaning milk which is where the word comes from. The fields had a goddess statue washed and carried through often. This was as the planting and harvest was to be celebrated. The day is recognized by Jewish and Christian tradition as well. Planting seeds and baking bread is the way to commemorate St. Brigid who was the Christian patron saint of grain. Also, 40 days after the birth of Jesus is recognized is when Candlemas/Imbolic is recognized. This means Jewish Mary would have purified herself this day. In short, it’s a day of purification, planting and honoring of the coming growing season.

How Candlemas evolved into Groundhog Day

The time of year Imbolic or Candlemas is, is when humans would leave the home to work within the fields once again. Animals would do this too. There were 18th century German settlers that brought over a tradition to go with Candlemas. On that day, if a groundhog saw its shadow, then that meant there would be six more weeks of winter ahead. February 2, 1887, was the first time that Punxsutawney Phil had to come out of his hole to predict the weather. About 39 percent of the time, Punxsutawney Phil is right. No matter what tradition you celebrate — Candlemas ‘s plowing, Imbolic’s purification, St. Brigid’s Day, Mary’s purification or watching Punxsutawney Phil come out of his hole — Feb. 2 is a day to appreciate the returning of light, warmth and the coming springtime season.


School of the Seasons

The Telegraph

P. Diddy prosecuted – $900 billion case cites World Trade Center

February 1, 2011 Leave a comment


On January 31, a new legal action could be heard in CA. Sean Combs is named as the defendant. The legal action alleges several different things. One complaint includes an accusation that Combs "knocked down the World Trade Center.” The case demands a huge amount in injuries. The total is $1 trillion. Sean Combs would be living of personal loans for the rest of his life if he doesn’t win this case. Post resource – P. Diddy sued – $900 billion case cites World Trade Center by MoneyBlogNewz.

Suing P. Diddy for $900 billion plus

Sean Combs, also known as P. Diddy, has been named the defendant in a lawsuit. The lawsuit against Combs is coming from Valerie Joyce Wilson Turks. She accuses Combs of verbal abuse, sexual abuse and rape. She says Combs is the father of her 24 year old child, so she is asking for $900 billion in child support payments. About $100 billion is requested in injuries as well. Evidently a casino chip Combs has is worth “100 zillions of dollars.” The complaint claims:

(Diddy) went through Kim Porter and Rodney King and knocked down the WTC and then they all came and knocked my children down… He date raped me 24 years ago and knocked me down him and Kim Porter and Wallace Wright, then Sean Combs and Kim and Wallace Wright came back 18 years later and raped and sexually abused my children and knocked my children down and crushed me and my children daily.

Cash doesn’t exist

P. Diddy is the artist Combs works under the name of who is worth about $346 million. The $1 trillion that Turks is trying to get from Combs is really 28 times what he worth. The amount is also significantly more than the total amount of hard money in circulation. Current estimates from the Federal Reserve are that there is approximately $853.2 billion in cash in circulation.

She plans to represent herself in the case

The $900 billion suit against P. Diddy is Pro Sae. That means the woman could be representing herself. In the state of CA, individuals can represent themselves in a court case. In all likelihood, this legal action against P. Diddy will be thrown out — however if it continues, it could be interesting to see what proof is offered.

Details from

New York Magazine

Dough Roller